I've got 18 minutes of power left on my computer, and an adapter that works perfectly in Ghanaian outlets, but won't accommodate my grounded computer cord. So this will be quick.
We arrived in Ghana at about 11:15 this morning after an overnight flight from JFK. After a brief trip to the Accra Mall to exchange money, we arrived at our hotel, where I've been ever since--eating my first Ghanaian meal and listening to a lecture on the history of Ghana. Here are some images:
Even nicer than so-called Minnesota Nice.
Kotoka International Airport
Lots of vendors selling water, food and other items at traffic lights.
This is the view from the balcony off my hotel room at the Highgate Hotel. By pure chance, I got the "Presidential Suite," which has room for a dance party...in the bathroom.
Our first dinner at the hotel. At the end of the table is Ekem, who is one of our Ghanaian hosts and gave an amazing presentation on Ghana's history and politics after the meal.
This is my first meal in Ghana--vegetarian red-red, a black-eyed pea stew and fried plantains. Super duper yummy.
Those fried plantains sure look yummy! I'm reading your blogs to Gil as part of our bedtime reading!